
Prédiction de propriétés agroécologiques de prairies permanentes et de leurs compromis : l’exemple du massif vosgien

Les surfaces en herbe ont une place majeure dans les agrosystèmes mondiaux. En France, les prairies permanentes sont associées à des propriétés agronomiques, car elles assurent près de la moitié de la production fourragère. Elles sont aussi associées …

Permanent grassland classifications predict agronomic and environmental characteristics well, but not ecological characteristics

Permanent grasslands produce highly diverse ecosystem goods and services, which need to be easily assessed by decision makers. Naturalists and agronomists classify grasslands in different ways to predict ecological, agronomic and environmental …

Prediction of grassland values by phytosociological or agronomical approach

At the European scale, grassland classifications and policies are mainly based on a phytosociological approach. However, agronomists use other classifications, such as agronomical typologies, indicators, models, measurements of forage yield or …

Agronomic and ecological characteristics of permanent grasslands

This project aims to understand biotic and abiotic drivers of permanent grasslands characteristics. We study traditional characteristics (e.g. yield, pastoral value, or botanical composition) but also original characteristics of fodder quality, ecology and carbon storage.