
Composition chimique et digestibilité enzymatique des tiges et des feuilles de 4 espèces

Against a backdrop of climate change, one of the major challenges facing ruminant breeders is to ensure the forage autonomy of their farms. Increasingly severe summer droughts are forcing farmers to draw on their forage stocks. This has led to a …

Effects of potential evapotranspiration on condensed tannin and milk production potential in four grassland mixtures

Dairy farming faces challenges of summer fodder scarcity and methane emissions. To address these issues, one may incorporate plants rich in condensed tannins (CT) into temporary grassland mixtures. However, knowledge regarding the link between CT, …

Potential health value of alternative plant resources explored as feed for ruminants

To face current challenges, ruminant feeding systems have to adapt the use of common resources or develop the use of alternative ones. This study explored the potential of alternative plant resources that could be used on farms to provide nutrients …

Trade-offs between milk production potential, tannin content and plant diversity depend on grassland mixtures

Temporary grasslands are crucial for addressing dairy cow sector challenges, including milk production, methane emissions mitigation, and biodiversity enhancement. In this study conducted in Frick, Switzerland, we investigated four distinct temporary …

Production and replacement costs of permanent grasslands compete with those of sown grasslands

Farmers’ endorsement is crucial to conserve biodiversity in permanent grasslands, but the lack of visibility on their economic value is a major obstacle. We studied the production costs (i.e., the cost to produce one Mg of dry matter) and the …

Taxonomic and functional biodiversity positively influence agronomic characteristics of permanent grassland

European permanent grasslands are the main source of livestock fodder and the main hotspot of botanical diversity, but the trade-offs between fodder production and botanical diversity conservation remain debated. This study aims to identify what …

Trade-offs between services rendered by the semi-natural grasslands of the Vosges massif (France)

Grasslands are at the heart of multiple expectations on the part of farmers and society. The objective of this study was to assess the services provided by semi-natural grasslands, and the trade-offs between these services. Starting from a survey of …

Seasonal variation in the nutritive value of 16 temperate fodder tree species

Trees could help to reduce livestock production vulnerability to climate change by providing a fodder resource during periods of drought. Fodder trees are commonly used in tropical and Mediterranean areas, but they remain poorly studied in temperate …

Trade-offs between yields, forage quality and botanical diversity in permanent grasslands of the Vosges Mountains in France

Assessing trade-offs between forage production and ecological characteristics delivered by grasslands is a growing concern for stakeholders and scientists. We sampled 50 grasslands from the Vosges Mountains (north-eastern France), and measured the …

Les prairies permanentes du massif des Vosges. Typologie agroécologique et diagnostic prairial

Ce guide est un outil de médiation. Il comprend : 1. une typologie agro-écologique caractérisant la diversité prairiale et organisant les connaissances pour les rendre accessible, 2. des outils de diagnostic (bilan fourrager, plantes indicatrices). …