
L’agroforesterie : atouts et points de vigilance pour répondre aux défis de l’élevage bio

Pratique agroécologique à la fois ancestrale et d’avenir, l’agroforesterie a le potentiel pour être une alliée de poids dans le développement de l’agriculture biologique. En effet, les animaux ont beaucoup à gagner à évoluer à l’ombre des arbres, et …

Effects of potential evapotranspiration on condensed tannin and milk production potential in four grassland mixtures

Dairy farming faces challenges of summer fodder scarcity and methane emissions. To address these issues, one may incorporate plants rich in condensed tannins (CT) into temporary grassland mixtures. However, knowledge regarding the link between CT, …

Trade-offs between milk production potential, tannin content and plant diversity depend on grassland mixtures

Temporary grasslands are crucial for addressing dairy cow sector challenges, including milk production, methane emissions mitigation, and biodiversity enhancement. In this study conducted in Frick, Switzerland, we investigated four distinct temporary …


The overall objective of Re-Livestock is to understand and mobilize adoption of innovative practices, applied cross-scale (animal, herd/farm, sector and region), to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of livestock farming and to increase the capacity for dealing with climate change impacts, in order to ultimately increase the overall resilience of the livestock sector.

Taxonomic and functional biodiversity positively influence agronomic characteristics of permanent grassland

European permanent grasslands are the main source of livestock fodder and the main hotspot of botanical diversity, but the trade-offs between fodder production and botanical diversity conservation remain debated. This study aims to identify what …

Trade-offs between services rendered by the semi-natural grasslands of the Vosges massif (France)

Grasslands are at the heart of multiple expectations on the part of farmers and society. The objective of this study was to assess the services provided by semi-natural grasslands, and the trade-offs between these services. Starting from a survey of …

Pasture lab - Weidelabor

This project aims to study the effect of four grassland mixtures on the productivity, nutritive value and palatability of the grass. To this end, we measured before every grazing rotation the yield, the nutritive value, the tannin content and the botanical composition.

Trade-offs between yields, forage quality and botanical diversity in permanent grasslands of the Vosges Mountains in France

Assessing trade-offs between forage production and ecological characteristics delivered by grasslands is a growing concern for stakeholders and scientists. We sampled 50 grasslands from the Vosges Mountains (north-eastern France), and measured the …

Les prairies permanentes du massif des Vosges. Typologie agroécologique et diagnostic prairial

Ce guide est un outil de médiation. Il comprend : 1. une typologie agro-écologique caractérisant la diversité prairiale et organisant les connaissances pour les rendre accessible, 2. des outils de diagnostic (bilan fourrager, plantes indicatrices). …

Facial area and hairiness of pollinators visiting semi-natural grassland wild plants predict their facial pollen load

Consequences of a decline in pollination function in semi‐natural ecosystems are largely unknown due to variability in pollinator effectiveness, that is, their contribution to pollen deposition alone. While pollination effectiveness has been shown to …