Against a backdrop of climate change, one of the major challenges facing ruminant breeders is to ensure the forage autonomy of their farms. Increasingly severe summer droughts are forcing farmers to draw on their forage stocks. This has led to a …
Pratique agroécologique à la fois ancestrale et d’avenir, l’agroforesterie a le potentiel pour être une alliée de poids dans le développement de l’agriculture biologique. En effet, les animaux ont beaucoup à gagner à évoluer à l’ombre des arbres, et …
To face current challenges, ruminant feeding systems have to adapt the use of common resources or develop the use of alternative ones. This study explored the potential of alternative plant resources that could be used on farms to provide nutrients …
Les arbres champêtres fournissent de nombreux services écosystémiques aux agrosystèmes : séquestration de carbone, conservation de la biodiversité, épuration de l’eau, etc. En élevage, les arbres peuvent être un levier face au changement climatique : …
Planting fodder trees in grasslands increases vegetation diversity, reduces grassland vulnerability to climate change and provides additional fodder resource during periods of drought. However, the palatability of temperate fodder trees remains …
Trees could help to reduce livestock production vulnerability to climate change by providing a fodder resource during periods of drought. Fodder trees are commonly used in tropical and Mediterranean areas, but they remain poorly studied in temperate …
This project aims to identify fodder trees and lianas for dairy cattle browsing. We study yield, nutritive value and appetence of 60 species in the OasYs experimental farm (Lusignan, France). Summer droughts and heatwaves affect more and more grassland production in western Europe.