
(2024). Composition chimique et digestibilité enzymatique des tiges et des feuilles de 4 espèces. 27es Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants 2024.

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(2024). L’agroforesterie : atouts et points de vigilance pour répondre aux défis de l’élevage bio. INRAE Productions Animales.

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(2024). Trade-offs between milk production potential, tannin content and plant diversity depend on grassland mixtures. 30th General Meeting EGF.

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(2024). Potential health value of alternative plant resources explored as feed for ruminants. 30th General Meeting EGF.

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(2024). Effects of potential evapotranspiration on condensed tannin and milk production potential in four grassland mixtures. 30th General Meeting EGF.

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(2022). Comportement alimentaire de vaches laitières pâturant des arbres fourragers. 26e Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants 2022.

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(2022). Impact of predator model presentation paradigms on titi monkey alarm sequences. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

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(2022). Trade-offs between services rendered by the semi-natural grasslands of the Vosges massif (France). 29th General Meeting EGF.

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(2022). Taxonomic and functional biodiversity positively influence agronomic characteristics of permanent grassland. 29th General Meeting EGF.

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(2022). Rethinking grasslands in 3D: feeding preferences of dairy cows between temperate fodder trees. 29th General Meeting EGF.

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(2022). Production and replacement costs of permanent grasslands compete with those of sown grasslands. 29th General Meeting EGF.

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(2022). Seasonal variation in the nutritive value of 16 temperate fodder tree species. 6th European agroforestry conference.

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(2022). Animal linguistics in the making: the Urgency Principle and titi monkeys’ alarm system. Ethology Ecology & Evolution.

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(2021). Dramatic decline in a titi monkey population after the 2016–2018 sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in Brazil. American Journal of Primatology.

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(2020). Trade-offs between yields, forage quality and botanical diversity in permanent grasslands of the Vosges Mountains in France. European Grassland Federation.

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(2020). Facial area and hairiness of pollinators visiting semi-natural grassland wild plants predict their facial pollen load. Ecological Entomology.

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(2020). Permanent grassland classifications predict agronomic and environmental characteristics well, but not ecological characteristics. Ecological Indicators.

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(2019). Titi monkeys combine alarm calls to create probabilistic meaning. Science Advances.

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(2019). Quelles typologies pour la prédiction des propriétés des prairies permanentes ?. Fourrages.

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(2018). Prediction of grassland values by phytosociological or agronomical approach. European Grassland Federation.

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(2018). Contextual encoding in titi monkey alarm call sequences. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

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